Michele De Stefano's C++ Utilities

Contains converters for some boost::numeric::ublas' sparse matrices. More...

#include <mds_utils/python/ublas/detail/common.hpp>
#include <mds_utils/ublas/traits.hpp>
#include <mds_utils/python/tuple.hpp>
#include <mds_utils/python/numpy/array_iterator.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/ublas/matrix_sparse.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/container/vector.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/conversion/cast.hpp>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>

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 Main namespace of all Michele De Stefano's C++ utilities.
 Namespace of all Michele De Stefano's C++ Python utilities.
 Contains several utilities for interfacing Python with Boost's uBLAS.


template<class M >
std::enable_if< mds_utils::ublas::is_compressed_matrix< M >::value, M >::type mds_utils::python::ublas::get (PyObject *po)
 "From python" converter for Boost uBLAS compressed matrices. More...
template<class ublas_mat_T >
std::enable_if< mds_utils::ublas::is_compressed_matrix< ublas_mat_T >::value, PyObject * >::type mds_utils::python::ublas::to_python (const ublas_mat_T &mat)
 "To python" converter for Boost uBLAS matrices. More...

Detailed Description

Contains converters for some boost::numeric::ublas' sparse matrices.

Definition in file matrix_sparse.hpp.